CIES Director delivers Keynote Paper at 17th Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines International Convention (17AIC)
Professor Brian Uy delivered a keynote lecture at the 17th Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines International Convention (17AIC) with the theme "Advancing structural engineering for cross-border practice" held from May 28-30, 2015 at Marco Polo Hotel, Pasig City, Metro Manila, Philippines. The lecture titled "Australasian advances in steel and composite structures to enhance cross-border practice" detailed recent reliability work carried out by the Standards Australia committees BD-032 and BD90 in the development of ASNZS2327 and ASNZS5100:Part 6 dealing with steel and composite structures for buildings and bridges respectively. The paper was co-authored by Dr Stephen Hicks, Heavy Engineering Research Association, New Zealand and Dr Won Hee Kang from the Institute for Infrastructure Engineering at the University of Western Sydney. Professor Uy and Dr Hicks are the respective chairs of BD-032 and BD90:Part 6 and have led recent reliability studies with Dr Kang into steel and composite elements which also has provided the pathway for steel materials to be sourced from many international sources, based on their findings.
The 17AIC was also supported by the Philippine Group of the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) and included Keynote Papers from Chairs of the various chapters of IABSE in Asia and Australia, including Professor Yozo Fujino (Distinguished Professor Yokohama National University and Chair of IABSE-Japan), Professor Andy Oreta (Professor of Civil Engineering, De La Salle University, Manila and Chair of IABSE-Philippines) and Professor Brian Uy (CIES Director and Chair of IABSE-Australia).
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